I read a news item in The Hindu that EPFO (Employee
Provident Fund Organisation) is going to invest (Rs 5000 crores) in Indian Equities through SBI Mutual Fund.
This is a welcome move as even the foreign provident Funds invest in Indian
equities. I am giving you the pros and cons of the proposed investment.
Argument against investing in Equities
Firstly if you look at stock market all over the world (in
the last 5 years) the returns have been poor is markets like US, European Union
and Japan. The only saving grace had been China(even which has fell in recent
months) and some emerging markets. Even these markets have not been giving pre
2008 returns. Most of the emerging markets are interlinked with US and European
stock markets. Hence if you look at recent history it paints a dull picture.
Secondly as far as the pension fund is concerned most of the
people involved are over 60 years in age. Their main source( for many the only
source) of earning is pension. Hence they are not keen to take the risks of the
stock market. If you look at the stock market of advanced countries in the last
5 to 7 years the returns are better in Gold when compared to Equities.
Thirdly when you invest in equities and that too through the
government there will be pressure to invest in companies favoured by
politicians. Hence there is greater risk of lower returns. What I am driving
home is the point that the investment decision will not be taken by the Fund
manager (who assesses the risk) but by politicians.
Finally the Lehman crisis has given a big blow to the
capitalistic world which has wounded the faith public had on stock market. There are highly specialized
instruments(which are not understood by the public) which make investment in
stocks a very risky proposition.
Arguments for investing in Equities
Firstly after opening of the Indian economy, foreign funds
have invested in our stock market and have benefitted. This includes foreign
pension funds too. If foreign pension funds have benefitted by investing in
Indian equity why not Indian EPFO.
Secondly investing blindly in stock is dangerous but
investing by a knowledgeable fund manager is not that risky. However we should
make the fund manager(s) independent and accountable for the investments so that he is
not pulled up by the politicians to fund their cronies.
While it is accepted Gold has given good returns in the past
5 years. It should be taken into account that it (Gold) is not a sound
investment as it goes up in value only during uncertain times. If you look at
the world today things are stabilizing (US to a large extent and Eurozone is slowly
limping back to normalcy). This means gold is unlikely to be a safe haven to
park your investments in.
Finally only 5000 crores is being invested in Equities and
hence exposure would not be great for the pension fund.
I would like to conclude by saying an Independent and
accountable Fund manager(s) for investment into Stocks would be a welcome move
as it would give greater returns to the Indian pension fund.
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